Energy, the Source of Life
Raise your energy and bring ancestral knowledge to your modern life
Do you want to live with a higher level of energy?
Do you want to have a new quality of life and learn how to stay centered within your own energetic body?
Do you want to learn about the auric field and the system of chakras? Do you want to know how they affect every aspect of your life, including relationships, finance, health, work, etc.?
Do you want do learn how to bring more love, acceptance and relaxation to your life and your relationships?
If your answer is Yes, you cannot miss our new online course with Rita Upadhi Maggi: Energy, the Source of Life – how to raise your energy and bring ancient knowledge to your modern life.
Energy, the Source of Life is a course for people who know they are more than the physical body, and who are ready to use this knowledge to live in harmony with the Universe, bringing more love, relaxation and abundance to their lives.
Rita Upadhi Maggi
All of us came from the same principle: Energy
Energy is the base of everything. It is the source from where life originates.
Everything is made up of emptiness, of space. And today, science shows us what mystics and sages told humanity 5,000 years ago: a small atom particle is 99,99999% void, energy.
Energy is the source of everything. But this source is untouchable and invisible, it is necessary to set aside what is known for the mind, for rational understanding in order to feel it, to venture into the unknown universe of feelings and sensations.
Because our society is immersed in a mental and rational world, where everything is explained and proved, when we start talking about energy, the topic immediately takes a mystic flavor, but in fact, it is 100% real.
We all know what energy is and certainly, all of us are capable to feel it.
I´m sure that you have experienced situations in the past where you arrived at a place, maybe a friend’s house or a public place, and without a concrete reason, you started to feel uncomfortable, and maybe then left the place with a heavy, discouraged feeling in the heart.
Or probably, you have experienced the sensation of being surrounded by nature, by the sea, at the mountains, and without an apparent reason, you started to feel relaxed and happy.
What is going on here? This is called energy.
If I ask you now, how are you feeling? Is your energy level high or low?
You will certainly know what to tell me, isn´t it?
We can all feel the energy, despite of the mystery surrounding it.
Knowing that we are more than the physical body, than the matter, the fact that we are energy has been told and shared since the dawn of humanity.
Civilizations in all parts of the world used this knowledge; they saw the human being beyond the physical body and worked with energy.
However, over the course of human history, in the modern and material world we live in today, the human beings have identified themselves almost completely with the mind.
Logical reasoning and science took over the material world, and the knowledge of energy was kept in a drawer only available for those who believed the world was more than just matter.
However, nowadays it is possible to see a change of awareness.
Something in the materialistic world is breaking, allowing people to open themselves to the knowledge that there is much more than the physical dimension we can see and touch, and that we are much more than our physical bodies.
But why is it so essential to rescue this knowledge today?
As we mentioned before, we are not simply the physical body that we can see and touch. And those who don´t understand this notion are just living a small portion of their human potential.
In fact, the human being is essentially constituted by a system of seven main chakras which originate seven bodies that form what we call the aura.
Our system of chakras, together with our subtle bodies, conduct all the aspects of our life.
From worldly and practical issues connected with the matter, to affective and emotional questions, including our spirituality and the connection with something higher.
In this way, we can see the completeness and integrity of human being.
It is possible to say that our life with all the choices that we make, and the life we build, depend on how our chakra system and subtle bodies are functioning, and from that, how they communicate with the universe around us.
Even if we do not have awareness of it, our energetic field is guiding many of our choices, and also, the way we look at life, at the situations we live, at the people we relate to, depending on the way we look at ourselves.
Our energetic body carries memories and emotional background, and when we are unaware of all these baggage we carry, our energy ends up dissipating all over the place.
And so, we live our life with a very low energy level, which directly interferes with our physical, mental and emotional health, including our creativity, relaxation and wellbeing in life.
What happens when we integrate this knowledge of the energetic dimension into our daily lives?
When we bring awareness to our energetic body, and learn how to deal with it, it looks as if we were discovering half of the puzzle that was missing in our lives.
It is possible to learn how to clean our energetic body and keep ourselves centered, preventing our energy from dispersing all over the place and allowing it to move in its natural course.
And, in such a way, our subtle bodies are able to expand, naturally increasing the level of vital energy within us.
If we have a higher level of energy, our physical health improves; we can be more relaxed and refine our ability to deal with our emotions and stress of daily live. In addition, we will be more in line with the Universal Knowledge and much closer to our true purpose of life.
So, this knowledge is not just for the ones so-called “mystical” or “spiritualized”. All humankind can benefit from this new way of looking at and living life.
And if you are here today, reading this material, for sure there is a call for a change in your heart, right?
Maybe something inside you knows that life is much more than what you are really living today.
So you are at the right place.
This course is an invitation to demystify the universe of energy and bring this knowledge in a simple and practical way for your daily life, for the modern life that we live today.
Who is Rita Upadhi Maggi?
Upadhi is a spiritual seeker and energy therapist with over 40 years of experience.
Most of her life, she has lived in different communities and devoted herself to the work of the Enlightened Master Osho.
The method Osho Prana Healing was created out of the guidance and proximity of the Master himself, and together with his colleague, Sw. Chidvilas, they developed this special technique.
The roots of her knowledge came from Osho School of Mysticism (Puna-India), Osho Academy (Sedona-USA) and Hellingerschule (Bozano), besides her devotion and dedication to her master and to her personal spiritual awakening.
She was also founder of OLOS Academy, which trains holistic therapists and naturopaths specialized in OPH.
Today, Upadhi travels the world sharing her vision and knowledge of energy and supporting the growth of hundreds of people who want to transform their lives and become a channel of healing through OPH method.
She has a unique capacity to touch people’s lives with her wisdom, creating an atmosphere of acceptance and joy.
In her work, she supports people to go back to their vital energy source
and find out their potential to live more relaxingly, with harmony and success.
Upadhi with a group of students in Italy.
Upadhi demonstrating an energy cleansing technique in her OPH training.
Upadhi with a group of students in China.
What is the OPH method?
OPH is a method based on the 7 chakras and 7 bodies system, what we call aura. It is a unique combination of the ancestral art of pranic healing, energetic work in auric field and meditation.
It is an extremely profound method that looks at the individual as one small particle of Existence, and as so, carries in itself the possibility of entering in touch with all this universal energy and potential.
The OPH method brings awareness of the energetic dimension in our body and in the universe around us. Therefore, teaches us how this new awareness can be transformed in a tool for us to bring presence in our daily life, and through this presence, the expansion of our subtle bodies.
Live from the Center
Besides the knowledge and awareness of chakra system and auric field, the method focuses on teaching people to discover a center of existential energy in their body, the Hara. And teaches us how to be centered in that space, avoiding the dispersion of energy, increasing the level of energy in our lives.
Apart from Hara, OPH works with the dimension of the heart, teaching people how to expand this space of unconditional love in their auric field, and bringing to their lives the fragrance of unconditional love and the realization that we are one with the whole existence.
Entering the world of OPH is unveiling an unknown world in front of us. It is opening our senses to perceive and feel that energy is the root of everything.
It is an invitation to dive into our energetic body, and learn about our chakras and subtle bodies, perceiving how they relate with the energy of the universe and how we co-create with the universe the reality we live in.
And from this new understanding, the method teaches us to center our energy, increasing our presence and the possibility of expansion of our energetic body.
For this reason, it is a very powerful instrument of personal healing, and a unique method for those who want to be a healing channel for others around them. In addition, it is an instrument that brings us a new level of awareness and the possibility of becoming conscious co-creators of our reality.
Introducing the Course
Energy, the Source of Life
Raise your energy and bring ancestral knowledge to your modern life
Energy, the Source of Life – Raise your energy and bring ancestral knowledge to your modern life, is a course for those who know that there is more in life than what we have been told, and for those who have a call in their hearts to unveil the universe of energy.
In this course, Upadhi will conduct us into a journey through our energetic centers, the seven chakras, and the different subtle bodies or auric fields. With her wisdom and love, in a practical and simple way, she will demystify the universe of energy and bring all this ancestral knowledge to be applied in your daily modern life.
Energy, the Source of Life is divided in seven modules, designed in such a way that you can understand what energy is and how it moves in you as well as in the universe around you, for your life to receive a new and greater level of energy.
What will you learn in each module?
Module 1: Live your energy
Module 2: Hara, Living with a Center
Module 3: The Heart - Bringing the Dimension of the Heart in your Life
Module 4: The Auric Field and the First Body
Module 5: The Auric Field and the Second Body
Module 6: The Auric Field and the Third Body
Module 7: The Auric Field and the Fourth Body
What Energy, the Source of Life will bring to your life?
1. Presence
You will be able to open your perception to the fact that everything is Energy, and with this practical notion, you will be able to live your life and choices from a state of presence and awareness.
2. Vitality and Focus
You will be able to live with a higher level of energy by learning how to increase your energy and how to avoid that energy from dissolving into everyday activities.
3. Centering
You will be able to live from your center core, what will bring more power and presence to your daily life, and the possibility of expanding your auric field.
4. Love and Acceptance
You will be able to bring the dimension of unconditional love and the space of the heart to your daily life, creating a greater awareness of the duality of the mind. And, in this way, the possibility of a profound relaxation and a sense of acceptance and unity with life as a whole.
5. New Consciousness
You will be able to bring to your life more awareness of the manifestation of energy in each different aspect – relationships, finances, work, health… Allowing this energy to move through its natural course, letting things happen in your life in an easier and more fluent way.
Secure Your Spot And Start Now Your Journey in the Universe of Energy
Due to the current financial instability situation of a large part of the population, to make Upadhi's teachings accessible to everyone, we are offering this online course at a 35% discount.
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Includes full course with lifetime access.
2 x 107 €
Instant Access
Includes full course with lifetime access.
197 €
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See what our students have to say about the course
"This training brought me an incredible experience of expansion, as I had never felt before. I could feel the amount of energy that was available every minute, inside and outside of me. And I was also able to connect with my center, my power, a place that is available to me at all times, where I can recharge and rest whenever I want."
Safi Bittencourt
"OPH came into my life so I could anchor my energy in love. It brought me knowledge of my own energy and how I can be a channel of love without getting lost in the pain of others."
Devaki Bianchi
"To me, OPH is much more than a method of self-healing and puts me more and more in touch with my essential energy. It is a deep, and at the same time subtle, field that has enabled me to expand my understanding of the human energy field and its interactions. For me it was as if a space that goes beyond the limitations of the mind was opened, creating a direct and clean bridge between the human experience and the wisdom of life."
Gayana Morena Ricci
Secure Your Spot And Start Now Your Journey in the Universe of Energy
Due to the current financial instability situation of a large part of the population, to make Upadhi's teachings accessible to everyone, we are offering this online course at a 35% discount.
Instant Access
Includes full course with lifetime access.
2 x 107 €
Instant Access
Includes full course with lifetime access.
197 €
One-Time Payment
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Bank transfer is also available if you need. Contact us at