Floresta Encantada



March 17th 


15:00h - 18:00h

A Tantric Experience of Self-Love

Our body is a sacred temple where love pulsates in each cell, and pleasure dances to the rhythm of every breath.

However, we can't always feel it that way because this same body carries memories.

Memories of a culture that has forgotten the divinity of the body and the sacredness of sexual energy.

Memories of a culture that has objectified the woman's body for pleasure.

Memories of a culture that has distorted the concept of beauty and extinguished the pure and natural sensuality of our womanhood.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are connected to these memories through our ancestors, our family system, and the collective unconscious. This connection generates numerous limiting beliefs in our psyche.

We begin to view life through these beliefs, which often lead us to seek out unavailable partners or hinder our ability to build relationships that truly nourish us.

After all, the universe mirrors what resides within us.

But amidst this forgetfulness and unconsciousness, an ancient and sacred wisdom brushes against us like a gentle breeze...

Tantra is a breeze that awakens our senses and rekindles our self-love. It reminds us that our body is a sacred temple deserving of love, respect, and appreciation.

This breeze shatters the taboos our culture has cultivated around sexual energy and reminds us that it is a life-giving force, creative and capable of birthing not only life itself but so much more.

This awakening shifts our focus from the mind, beliefs, memories, and traumas to the body. It awakens its natural ability to experience pleasure, love, and transformation.

And through this healing process, the way we relate and the types of relationships we attract into our lives naturally transform.

Tantra is a path of self-discovery because, ultimately, if we desire to be loved, a good starting point is identifying everything that separates us from love. Gradually, we can allow that gentle breeze to dissolve the walls we ourselves have erected.

Embarking on the path of Tantra is like cultivating fertile soil so that a beautiful and gentle YES can sprout within our hearts. This YES opens us to receive not only the pleasure that our sacred sexuality can offer but, above all, to receive Life and all the blessings and miracles it bestows upon us at every moment.

The time has come to reclaim the sacred feminine within us – from pain to love, from shadow to light.

You are love

 You are pleasure

 You are beauty


Everything you seek already resides within your

woman's body and soul

Corpo & Alma de Mulher

In person groups meeting and individual online sessions.

What is explored in the meetings Corpo & Alma de Mulher?

  • A dive into your inner universe:

How to consciously navigate your emotional wounds and defense mechanisms that sabotage you from living relationships and your sexuality in a healthy way.

Recognize patterns of the female collective unconscious that act on us women: low self-esteem, feeling of not deserving, wonder woman syndrome.

Investigate your connection with your ancestral lineage and the feminine loyalties that affect your perspective on men and the way you relate.

  • Connect with your body's natural wisdom:

How do you create a safe and compassionate container for dealing with emotions when they arise?

Making peace with vulnerability - the real strength of the feminine.

Connect with the great alchemist of your body, your heart – nurturing your self-love, self-compassion and acceptance.

Recognize and nurture the mystical Woman in you and her unique way of connecting with spirituality.

  • Your body, your sacred temple:

Rescue the sacredness of the body and the beauty and innocence of sensuality.

Rescue of the feeling: “I deserve to feel pleasure”.

Restore the strength of the wild woman in you: the balance between feminine and masculine energy.

Happy with him, happy without him - the art of making love with all Existence.

From romantic love to mature love.

It all starts within you.

About the facilitator


Lily Serafim began her path in the service of health, well-being and raising consciousness through Physiotherapy, and over the years she naturally began to work in holistic areas, as a body therapist and facilitator of Tantra, Yoga, Meditation, Women's Circles and Family Constellations.

As a natural seeker of self-knowledge and the sacred, Lily on her personal journey immersed herself in a journey in search of her Sacred Feminine, which took her to India and various Meditation centers around the world and transformed her way of seeing and living life deeply.

She was presented with meetings with different Masters, teachers and friends. She knew and studied different lines of Meditation, Tantra, Yoga, Pranic Healing, Conscious Touch and Systemic Therapies. She discovered, turned around and redefined her inner universe – welcoming her wounded feminine and rescuing the strength of her Sacred Feminine.

On her journey, she discovered the philosophy of Tantra, the power of Women's Circles and the strength of systemic vision, starting to hold the space for women to sit in Circles and open a healing space, supporting each other.

Today her service and her passion is to dedicate herself to the work of healing and rescuing the Sacred Feminine, offering Circles and groups that have touched the lives of hundreds of women: Women of the Earth and Daughters of the Moon, and individual sessions and groups of Body & Soul of Woman and The Journey of the Mystical Woman. In addition to being co-founder of the One Love Institute, an organization dedicated to health and elevating human consciousness.

Next group:
March 17th


from 15:00hs to 18:00hs

For information about Corpo & Alma de Mulher - Individual Journey - send email to: 


Payment by MBway and Transfer

Make your reservation through MBway:

MBway: 928 093 910

IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 6115 4370 0010 2

Please send proof to email info@oneloveinstitute.com and you will receive a confirmation email 🙏🏼

Corpo & Alma de Mulher

March 17th
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